The Evolution of Bitcoin Custody

“The Evolution of Bitcoin Custody” is a comprehensive report detailing the origins of financial asset custody, bitcoin’s unique custodial properties, the various tradeoffs associated with existing forms of bitcoin custody, and the ongoing maturation of solutions in the marketplace.

Download the full report here

We will hosting a webinar on September 17th at 4:15PM EST to discuss this report in detail, delving into the intricate world of bitcoin custody, highlighting its origins, technological advancements, and the disruptive potential of multi-institution custody. Register to attend here.

Preview of contents detailed below…

  1. The History of Custody in Finance and Money
    • Origins and Necessity of Custodians
    • Pitfalls of Centralization
    • The Call for Decentralized Custody Solutions
  2.  Bitcoin’s Unique Custodial Properties
    • Implications of a Digital Bearer Instrument
    • The Power of Bitcoin’s Multi-Sig
    • The Role of Institutions in Bitcoin Custody
  3.  Fundamentals of Bitcoin Custody
    • Overview of Custody Terminology
    • Institutional-Grade Custody Approaches
  4.  Evolving Custodial Solutions
    • Single Third-Party Custody
    • Self-Custody
    • Collaborative Multi-Sig Custody
    • Multi-Institution Custody
  5.  Incentives Inherent to Multi-Institution Custody
    • Risks of Single Entity Control
    • Advantages of a Multi-Institution 2-of-3 Quorum
    • Impact on Fiduciary Responsibility
    • Security Implications
    • Enforcing Good Faith Actions
  6.  Additional Considerations
    • Multi-Jurisdictional Key Quorums
    • Security Implications in a High-Value Environment
    • Choosing the Right Custodians
  7.  Conclusions

Download the full report here

Onramp provides bitcoin financial services built on multi-institution custody.

To learn more about our approach to bitcoin custody and determine if our products and solutions are right for you, please reach out to schedule a consultation with our team.